Match Information

InstaGIB Assault Match

[DFP] 1 v 8 |P*I|
0 Points Before 817
0 Points After 857
0 Points Change +40
Date of Match: 13/06/2003
[DFP]: :-) i didn�t play, but i�ve heared, that it was a hard first insta match for us and that we gave up ffs ^^ but i hope we can play again against u with a lot of practice before the match! greetz Banshee |P*I|: and Billabong played, gg m8 and welcome! - well... server was SHITE omg :D everybody had like 40% pl... and we had member problems at start so it were just me and Red vs 4 DFP-lamas... they didnt want a reschedule cos they want out of the HoldingZone (easy money)... so they were beating us 4vs2 for the first map, but then finally 2 other p*i members joined :) DFP started to moan about us mercing LOL... but then golgotha started :p we owned and owned at def (quite a difference 4vs4 huh dfp), so they started to moan about the huge server-lag (they didnt when it was 2vs4...) and after 2 maps they all left... f00king crybabies... f0 & hf in HZ.. cya, wouldn't wanna b ya.../merc chronic