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Welcome to PUG Stats - #utapug
[Stats last updated : 14/04/2022 @ 16:15:39]

Unreal Tournament Match

Totals for This Match
Frags Deaths Suicides
36 44 8

Unreal Tournament Match Stats
Match Dates Tue, Dec 30 2008 at 12:28 am
Tue, Dec 30 2008 at 12:31 am
Server UTA PugBot Server
Match Type Assault Map Name Mazon Fortress
Server Info Admin: RED 3 - 3 BLUE
Email: [email protected]

Enjoy your stay and respect other players
irc.utassault.net #utapug

Report problems to MyM
Game Info Max Players: 12
Max Specs: 12
Game Speed: 100
Friendly Fire: 0.000000
Weapon Stay: True
UTStats Actor Version: 0.4.2a
Ignored Players: sHoCkR`
Mutators PugStats SmartAS 1.0p

Assault Objectives - Red Team Attacking
Objective Name Timestamp Taken by
Chain 100:46nl v0lt®
Chain 200:42nl v0lt®
The front doors01:16nl v0lt®
Reactor Room doors00:24se Supermic!®
Crystal01:16nl v0lt®

Match Summary - Red Team Attacking
Team: Red
Player Score Ass Obj F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL Avg Ping
nl v0lt®142420250.0011.7600:4136
se Supermic!®1011210.000.0000:4160
gb deadly®330350.0021.7400:2849
gb ^od^®220340.0011.4300:28108
gb uZi®110325.0033.3300:2839
de M3NA®00.000.0001:2261
Totals1 (0)50101027.5013.0400:0159
Team: Blue
Player Score Ass Obj F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL Avg Ping
de ert®440180.0019.0501:2249
gb w1sh®440100.009.2601:2233
gb Insp!re®3213142.868.9200:2842
gb heidi_klum®110233.3318.1800:41146
gb Thrasher (_!_)®1150.0060.0001:2237
de stylefish®020.0012.7700:4145
Totals0 (0)50202051.0321.3600:0159

Red Successfully Attacked

Assault Objectives - Blue Team Attacking
Objective Name Timestamp Taken by
Chain 100:27de stylefish®
Chain 200:29de stylefish®
The front doors01:15de ert®
Reactor Room doors01:09gb w1sh®
Crystal01:15de ert®

Match Summary - Blue Team Attacking
Team: Red
Player Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL Avg Ping
gb ^od^®440450.008.2500:2149
gb uZi®330260.0011.3200:4138
de M3NA®220166.678.4701:2261
nl v0lt®2211160.0017.2401:2237
se Supermic!®110150.007.6901:2259
gb deadly®010.007.3801:2249
Totals0 (0)0101047.7810.0600:0149
Team: Blue
Player Score F K D STK Eff. Acc. Avg TTL Avg Ping
de ert®12220340.0011.1100:2872
de stylefish®2112125.008.7000:4142
gb w1sh®1330350.0028.5700:2832
gb heidi_klum®330260.0015.5600:41140
gb Insp!re®110325.0025.0000:2874
gb Thrasher (_!_)®330.000.0001:2237
Totals1 (0)0404033.3314.8200:0167

Blue Successfully Attacked